viernes, 24 de junio de 2016



Sorry England has decided to leave the EU

 Goodbye, Britain,


God save Britain & God save the EU

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

Diptongo [au]

ou     house, mouse, bough, trousers, blouse, found, mountain
ow    clown, town, now, cow, gown, down, blown, sow, row, bow

El principal problema es que ou y ow tienen otras pronunciaciones. 
Para solucionarlo, hemos diseñado los libros Mind MapsJolly Stories, disponibles en Amazon en papel y edición digital.


domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Funny story: The mouse in the house ¡con sonido!


in the


we live in a house
up the mountain.
I hear a sound
and go down.

I see a little mouse
with a little mouth
on the way out
and shout.

Mum comes down.
She sees the mouse
and screams aloud.

Dad puts on his brown
and comes down.

He sees the mouse
and lifts his brow.

 It’s only a mouse!
 a little mouse,
 don't shout.

-It’s  a cow!

-No, it's a mouse,
  a little mouse.

-Let's stop the row.

-It's a mouse
 before it was a cow!

sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

Pequeñas diferencias cambian el significado (VI)

[ bludi ]  ERROR PALMARIO  de una canción española en EUROVISIÓN
Repetido hasta la saciedad en el estribillo