miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Mapa mental


El objetivo del mapa mental es relacionar el sonido del diptongo [ai],
en el centro del mapa, con sus distintas representaciones ortográficas.
Aconsejamos que las ramas del mapa se lean en sentido de las agujas del
reloj. Los iconos ayudan a retener y relacionar. Conviene leer las palabras en
voz alta porque ayuda a la retención. Facilita también el aprendizaje de y
repaso de vocabulario.

Más Mapas Mentales aquí:

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Diptongos y triptongos

1.   Escuchar la canción mirando a l a ortografía
2.   Idem mirando a la fonética
3.   Cubrir la ortografía y escribir la canción a partir de la fonética. Comprobar cada estrofa
4.   Cantar

Reflexión metacognitiva: ¿Qué has aprendido sobre cómo se aprende

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

Cómo mejorar la pronunciación inglesa

Pese a  estudiar inglés durante años, al uso de audiovisuales y a los cursos de verano,  los españoles pronuncian inglés mal. Es indicativo la siguiente palabra:

low cost
Gallegos dicen “loucos”,  otros españoles “loucous”, incluso personal del aeropuerto.

Es un error pujante, prepotente y muy generalizado, candidato a neologismo.

25-3-2016 en TVE 24h. HABLAR BIEN INGLÉS  es crucial para el EMPLEO

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Escucha y lee


were taken to court
for courting
young ladies
and peeping at doors

They wore
velvet suits,
a monocle
and black stockings

The four
were tall
and good sports,
they blamed the Port
for courting
young ladies
and peeping at doors

-After all, F
 all we saw
 were ladies undressing
 for unloved lords

The judge
was a dwarf.
He wore
a wig because
he was bald.

He too was a good sport,
but he had a weak spot,
his weakness for Port

They thought
of offering
him a glass of port,
just to get warm.

They had plenty in stock

The judge
tasted the port
and asked for more;
he was soon on the floor
of the court.

-Now, my lord,
 you can judge,
 as you're as sober 
 as a lord
 and we're as drunk
 as a judge.

-After all,
 it isn't your fault,
 my lords,
 I find guilty the Port.
 By George! 

 It's such  good Port!

So he blamed the cordial
instead of the lords

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016


On Sundays, mother, son, brother, cousin, uncle and husband sit in the sun outside the hut. The cat sleeps on a cushion and the donkey is eating grass.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Pon las palabras en MAYÚSCULAS en [Fonética]

HERE [          ] Is not a match for THERE [         ]
Nor DEAR [          ] and FEAR [         ] for BEAR [         ] and PEAR [             ] .
And there is DOSE [           ] and ROSE [                       ] and LOSE [             ]

And, there´s GOOSE [            ] and CHOOSE [            ]

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Vocales U

Vocales    [u]   [u:]

[u]       Breve

Contraste con el español: la [u] española es más posterior y tensa, a pesar de ello, no ofrece problemas.

Grafemas más frecuentes:

u          full
oo        book, look
ou        could
o          bosom [+buzEm]

                                   La cantidad de la u: sí es significativa, cambia el                                                                significado de la palabra

[u:]         Larga                                                      
                                                                                   Grafemas más usuales:

                 Posterior                                                               oo        spoon
                 Cerrada                                                                 ou        soup   
Lo más importante es la longitud                                         o          do
                                                                                              u          June, flu
                                                                                              ue        blue
                                                                                              ui         suit
                                                                                              oe        shoe
                                                                                              ew       Jew
[u:]                      [u]                 La longitud de la u: es significativa

fool  (tonto)                full  (lleno)
Luke (nombre)            look (mira)
cooed (arrullé)            could (podia)
shoed (calcé)              should (debería..

pool   (charka)            pull (tirar)

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Pasa la fonética a ortografía: solución

-Where's Bart?

 went out at half
 He got in his car
 and drove fast.

-Did he go far?

-I didn't ask
but I bet he went to the bar

It was getting dark,
the dogs began to bark,

completely drunk,
the lamppost and danced.

The dogs of the farm
weren't far.
They came out like darts
and bit the drunkard 
on the ass.
We had a good laugh.

We walked arm-in-arm.
Taking him home

was quite a task.

The door was ajar.

His father
stood in the courtyard
looking aghast

-Can't you stand? 

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Vocal A larga (III)

1. Adivina que le ocurrió a Bart
2.  Comprueba los  significados  en la  versión  B)
3.  Escucha la grabación y  pronuncia mentalmente


-Where's Bart?

 went out at half
 He got in his car
 and drove fast.

-Did he go far?

-I didn't ask
but I bet he went to the bar

It was getting dark,
the dogs began to bark,

completely drunk,
the lamppost and danced.

The dogs of the farm
weren't far.
They came out like darts
and bit the drunkard 
on the ass.
We had a good laugh.

We walked arm-in-arm.
Taking him home

Write the spelling of the words in brackets (RESPUESTA)

The jar is FULL.
Don´t drop it.
Don´t be a FOOL.